Monday 19 March 2012

The Mesilau Trail

Mesilau Trail is an alternative trail to climb Mount Kinabalu. Its starts from Mesilau Nature Resort, 15 Kilometers away from Kundasang Headquaters Park. Normally, those who had been experiencing the mount climbing would choose this trail as it is more challenging and about 2km longer than the Timpohon trail. This trail is very much longer and more ardous and recommended to walk via this trail separately. Many climbers agree that the Mesilau trail is scenic and less strenous. 

The Mesilau Gate

Even though the starting point begins at Mesilau, the climbers still need to register for their expedition at Kundasang Headquarters Park for the climbing permit, insurance, packed lunch and mount guide. However, the fees for Mesilau mount guide is a bit higher than the normal trail. Shortly after upon arrival to the Mesilau gate you will be given a briefing, warm up and your journey will begin. 

Mesilau Trail

As your journey start, you will enjoy the first steep descent in an enjoyable walk . After 20 minutes near the ridge crest, the forest in Mesilau trail will suddenly becomes much shorter and more stunted, with rocks and boulders jumbled among the tree roots, covered with spongy mosses and liveworts. 

The Trail

The path soon rises once again to an open patch, before leveling off slightly, still following the narrowing ridge crest which opens out at the top, giving stunning views of the mountain above.

Mesilau route

Trail Map

The map above shown the direction to the peak from the both starting point. If you can see, The only pit stop from Mesilau gate is 5km away in Layang-Layang hut short distance to Laban Rata. Your 5km trekking will be treated with inclusive buffet dinner at Laban Rata. There are number of resthouses such as Willose Shelter, Paka Cave Shelter, Waras Hut, Burlington Hut, Gunting Lagadan, Pana Laban Hut, Sayat-Sayat Hut and Laban Rata Resthouse. Here you will take a break and rest before continuing the journey the next morning. Make sure you save you energy for the climb.

Laban Rata

Early in the morning, around 2.00am you will be wake up and the have your buffet breakfast and after all the warm up you will begin your climb to peak. in distance about 2.5km it just take about 2 hours before you arrive to the peak. You will pass by the first peak that is South peak, then Ugly sister's peak at 4032km, Donkey Ears Peak at 4054km above sea level,  and you will be amazed when you are really on the Low's peak with 4095km height that makes you the highest person in the world. The morning sunrise will awake and all your effort is worthy.

Mount sunrise